My journey started early. From stalking deer with my grandfather's old Winchester 30-06 on the sage covered plains, to bouldering in the Wind Rivers, and skipping school to ride that fresh big mountain powder. From there I found my way to the meticulously painted set of yellow footprints at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego. This lead me to the jungles of Okinawa Japan, the deserts and urban labyrinths of Iraq and the barren mountains of Afghanistan. After walking through fire and madness and coming out the other side, I returned, a lost soul, to the familiar alpine trails I called home in Northern Wyoming. One morning, on an elk hunt in the famed Bighorn Mountain Range, I hiked through a predawn mist, and looked skyward to a familiar constellation. Orion and his belt, a comforting guide and welcome celestial companion were there, just as they’d always been. It was this moment that my new path was revealed.

The unexpected discovery of my passion was fueled by product failure, frustration, and a cold can of Pabst Blue Ribbon beer. The incessant lingering question, “What drives me?" To answer it, I cannon balled into the unknown without a clue or an ounce of technical acumen. It started as a hard curiosity of exploring the limits. I was soon to discover that, there are none. If only you accept the simple responsibility of challenging yourself day after day, to an endless pursuit of knowledge and technique, only then constantly questioning what is possible and then demanding more. The beauty of attempting to find the perfection in the details and striving endlessly in attaining mastery of ourselves, our environment, and our equipment. The answers are all there if you’re willing to wait, listen, and at times suffer for them. The results are the pure tacit experience that leads to rock solid relevant designs that are Durable, Versatile, and Simple. This is my foundation, and my truth, come with me and, Choose your Prey....